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Docker-Compose Files Overview 📦

🏗️ Core Components

  • docker-compose.yaml: Sets up essential services like Minio, MongoDB, OPA, Keycloak, and Storage-API.
  • docker-compose.camunda[CAMUNDA_VERSION].yaml: Incorporates Camunda servers with key backend components such as the REST-API and External Tasks.
  • docker-compose.demo-data-loader.[CAMUNDA_VERSION].yaml: Automates the loading of demo data into the platform
  • docker-compose.event-hub.[CAMUNDA_VERSION].yaml: Optional but necessary for integrating System Notifications and/or websockets for the case-portal.
    • Customizes Camunda with a plugin sending Kafka messages for registered events.
    • Starts Kafka and Zookeeper.
    • Enables Kafka communication from External Tasks.

🛠️ Additional Components

  • docker-compose.websocket.yaml: Enables real-time communication for the case-portal. See websockets for the case-portal.
  • docker-compose.novu.yaml: Manages notification dispatch using novu-publisher.
  • Handles outgoing email communications.
  • docker-compose.portal.yaml: Deploys the front-end React case-portal.

🖥️ Shell Scripts for Local Development

For ease of local development, various shell scripts are available:

  • Server Management: docker-servers-[startup/shutdown].sh for managing all servers using Docker, ideal for UI development.
  • Portal Management: docker-portal-[startup/shutdown].sh focuses on backend development needs.
  • Full Startup Scripts: for comprehensive loading of all components, available for Camunda 7 and 8, facilitating quick testing and demos.